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Emily Wulf,
animal painter NYON

Animal painter Nyon, Emily Wulf makesportraitsdigital and personalized animals of all species. Passionate about art and visual creation, she reproduces on digital and classic painting the life of animals, their environment, their nature, their character and their emotion. Since 2021, she lives from her art, receives orders fromanimal paintingin the Suisse Normande and exhibits its latest creations on its website.


Biography of the animal painter

At 30, Emily Wulf lives entirely from her art. A few years ago, after a computer-oriented career, she worked on graphic designs and animated 3D visuals. But in 2021, after a professional reorientation, she decided to reconnect with art, her first passion and became professional painter.


Her artistic career began at the age of 3, when she won a drawing competition. But it is only later in 2021 that the self-taught animal painter is totally immersed in art. Combining her skills in graphic and 3D design, she explores new technologies and extensive computer programs, to find herartistic signature.


As a logical continuation of her IT career, she embarked on thedigital animal painting- an innovative technique in thethe history of artcreative - and makes it his livelihood, his art, but also his bubble of escape.

Its artistic specialist: digital animal painting in Nyon

The animal painter Nyon specializes inanimal painting. With her passion for nature and her special affection for animals, it is no longer without questioning that she decides to devote her art to them.


Today, Emily Wulf speaks through theanimal art. She paints the animal world in all its states: wild life like domestic life or life in an animal park, hunting scenes like combat scenes and other scenes of life.


The animal painter reproduces in paint allanimal specieswhether it iswild animalsor somepets. She takes pleasure in painting wildlife, but also the bestiary universe. Nothing escapes Emily Wulf in her paintings.


In each of his creations, the painter paints emotion, but also beauty, sincerity, spontaneity, the relationship between man and animal. Perfectionist by nature and with great attention to detail, his artistic signature is in thehyperrealism.


The artist works a lot onhyperrealistic portraitsusing sticks from pastel, large-scale works of incredible realism. The animals are painted in their spontaneity, in their nature.  His patience in the work allows him to develop an original painting technique and create these hyper-realistic works.
His reward: to see the smile and the emotion of his clients when they discover his paintings.


What are his painting techniques as an animal painter Nyon?

The animal painter Nyon works on mixed techniques, but often expresses himself throughdigital paintings.  She also practices classical painting on watercolor or pastel and makes freehand black-and-white animal drawings before painting this one with digital paint. The techniques that Emily Wulf uses the most are:

digital watercolor


I'digital watercoloris none other than the digital version of watercolour. With this technique, the painterwatercoloristcan reproduce the characteristics of a watercolor, with the impression of the pigments diluted in water. The use of digital watercolor makes it possible to offer the canvas, oncepainted, softness but also luminosity and depth. It also allows you to highlight certain elements.


The digital pastel


Like pastel on canvas, thedigital pasteluses dry pigments bound in a pencil. It allows for texturized and unsaturated results, but also a soft and pale color. Emily Wulf uses herdigital brushesto create pastel effects. This technique allows him to work softness, but also emotion in hisanimal digital canvas. This is also one of the techniques she likes the most.

The digital mix


This technique is the result of personal research carried out by the animal painter. To work on it, she does not hesitate to mix all her digital brushes: digital pastel and digital watercolor. She will also use otherdigital brushesaccording to his inspiration and his creativity to improve the work and the aesthetic rendering until obtaininghyperrealistic works.

Classical Art


In addition to painting digital and personalized portraits of hunting and domestic animals, the animal painter Nyon also continues to practiceclassic arte. THEanimal drawingfreehand, but also pastel and watercolor paintings are the ones she works on the most. With classic pastels, you can get painted game with a textured and contrasting finish.

Emily Wulf, artiste peintre animalier Nyon

Can we order a unique pictorial work from Emily Wulf?

The animal digital painter is passionate about nature and its inhabitants. You can ask him foranimal paintingsrepresenting original creations filled with imagination. She receivesorders of animals in paintingfrom photo models delivered by its customers. She then reproduces these models according to her inspiration.


Although she aims for hyperrealism and works her techniques towards this goal, Emily Wuf still brings her little touch of creativity and personalization, so as to leave in her works a unique element that creates emotion. If it is rare that she works with real models in her studio, theanimal portraitistdon't hesitate to draw inspiration from the animal world by going to observe animals, rub shoulders with them or take pictures of them.


Theredog painting, therecat paintingand rabbit are the most requested. However, it is also possible to order acreative workand decorative depicting farm animals and sometimes even captivating zoo scenes.


The artist can also make aPainting Tableartwork depicting wildlife animals. Savannah species such as rhinoceros, lion, gorilla, deer, lynx, tiger, leopard, zebra and elephant are some of his favorites. It is then possible to havepictorial worksin small or large formats.


Working with passion, thepainterrealizes his works with patience and according to the time that takes him, while remaining professional with the respect of the deadlines. Once the orders have been placed, it makes the shipment according to the agreed terms.

Where can you buy digital portraits already made of the artist in Nyon?

Ammagnificent exhibitionof his pictorial art can be found on his website. Customers, collectors of works of art or animal enthusiasts can easily obtain thelatest creationsof the painter in a few clicks. It is possible tobuy a printby choosing from the works already produced, then choose the desired support for each piece: acrylic canvas, framed wall painting, photo paper, poster, fabric, ceramic, etc.


Like othersanimal artists, Emily Wulf is often called upon to exhibit her works inArt Galeriesor in one-off exhibitions and events. His works are also bought by associations to make donations.


Admire the works of an animal painter in Nyon who represent the animal world in all its splendor via incredibly mastered digital techniques.

Emily Wulf, artiste peintre animalier Genève

How does the animal painter in Geneva differ from other artists of animal art? 

Animal art is theanimal art expression. It manifests itself in different forms, including a wide range of works by painters, photographers and animal sculptors.

THEanimal paintersspecialize in digital painting, oil painting, watercolor or pencil to capture the movement and emotion of the animals captured on their canvases. Through their artistic creation, they express their love and respect for animals by accurately reproducing the distinctive facial features and other recognizable visual attributes of each species.

THEwildlife photographerscapture vivid images from a wide range of wild, domestic and exotic animals. Like painters, they seek to promote a deeper interest in the protection of nature by revealing to viewers the scenes that cannot be represented by a brush.

THEanimal sculptorputs his art at the service of the natural world in order to produce works that show the diversity of shapes, sizes and behaviors of the animals that they have had the opportunity to observe and document. Based on this observation as well as established scientific theories, specialists inanimal sculpturepainstakingly model each sculpture from organic materials such as clay so that the representation is realistic and expressive.

The different types of animals a wildlife painter can work with

Animal painters createworks of artinspired by the animal world and the universebestiary, whether realistic portraits or artistic illustrations. Your animal painter in Geneva can work on a wide range of animals; from mammals such as felines, polar bears and gorillas to the beasts of thewildlifeand savannah like deer, bull, snakes, boars, lions, zebra. 

In addition, the painter can also produce works dedicated tothreatened specieslike the elephant and the tiger to promote better environmental awareness. He   also has the possibility of representing in his works,pets, livestock and barnyard animals. She is also one of thoseanimal artistsinterested in the canine and equestrian universe. 

Whether in classical art or digital art, theanimal painter in Genevacan also make stunning works that represent hunting animals and farm animals such as ducks and cows, and those living in captivity, such as those found through zoos or an animal park._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_

Looking for a cat painting or a digital dog painting? If you want to support and encourage the art scene in Geneva, then come and see the wonderful works of art by the talented animal painter Emily Wulf. 

Emily Wulf, artiste peintre animalier Genève
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