Emily Wulf,
animal painter Geneva
At 30, Emily Wulf positions herself as aanimal painterfull-time in French-speaking Switzerland. Passionate about art, but especially about animals, it is with all ease that she embarked on theanimal painting. Herself convinced of the purity of love that an animal can offer, she decided to paint it in portrait to immortalize it.

About the animal painter Geneva
Having a computer-oriented background, and experiences in 3D visuals, the Motion Graphic designer decides to follow her passion and in 2021 begins herartist journey. Far from the Beaux-Arts, she isself-taughtin the painting. But talent accompanies her from her cradle, so much so that at 3 years old, she wins her first drawing competition: an opportunity that will allow her to develop her creativity.
After years of experience creating 3D visuals and animated visuals, Emily Wulf turns to her number one passion:painting and animals. Combining her talent with her experiences, she develops theanimal digital paintingin which she highlights theanimal art. A true friend of animals, the artist specialized in digital animal portraits in Geneva.
His talents in creating visuals allowed him to paint animals with new techniques. Today she is able topaint all animal specieswith advanced digital tools.
What is his artistic signature?
His specialist and his signature: thehyperrealism. The animal painter Geneva explores all the power of computer programs to offer works as real as true.
For Emily Wulf, her works must above all highlight emotion: this love, this complicity, but also the beauty and sincerity of a love shared between man and animal. Thus, for his creations, the artist aims to sublimate the animal with a touchdigital, graphic and digital.

What are the techniques used by the animal painter Geneva?
Emily Wulf uses a lot of techniques. She specializes indigital painting, but she also produces works with classical painting on watercolor or pastel. What she usually does when working on herdigital paintings, is that she realizes theanimal drawingby hand with gray pencil, then painted on a digital medium using the following different techniques:
Digital Watercolor
Like watercolor on paper, thedigital watercoloris a technique that allows to reproduce pigments diluted in water, to have a soft, transparent, luminous and scattered result. The animal painter in Geneva uses this technique in animal painting. It allows him to bring out the emotions with depth, but also with gentleness. This technique is also used by theanimal painterto shed light on his works. If the watercolor is applied to glass or ceramic supports, digital watercolor makes it possible to reproduce both the paint and its effect on the support.
The digital pastel
Pastel is a paint dedicated to an abrasive medium. It offers textured results. Digital pastel attempts to reproduce these effects. The painter ofanimal portraitsuses this technique to achieve textured and unsaturated results. The portrait gives a pale color tone, but bright. The animal painter masters this technique and does not hesitate to use thesedigital brushesto bring out the beauty of such a painting.
The digital mix
Not content with a primary technique, theanimal painter Geneva, Emily Wulf has gone far in her technological research and offers themixed digital. This painting technique mixes watercolor and pastel in its brushes to obtain mixed results, but above all texturesmore realistic.
Classical Art
If Digital Art is her specialty, Emily Wulf has not neglected classical art. She paintsanimal portraitsand humans withclassic pastelsand makes gray pencil drawings. With classic pastels, she is able to createtextured paintingswhile in pencil, she makes drawings that give a soft, yet dramatic look and powerful contrasts.

How does the animal painter in Geneva work?
This artisthyperrealisticoffers either to buy a custom animal print or painting, or order a piece not yet made.
If you wish to have a printed version of itsdigital products, you canbuy printsthen print the painted designs on canvas, photo paper or as a wall frame, metal stand, ceramic mug, as a poster, phone case, on acrylic or acrylic block, tote bag whole or a cushion.
The Geneva painter also works onorder. THEpaint collectors, but also animal lovers and donation associations make up most of its clientele. But she is open to all proposals and collaborations. She can take custom orders for animal painting: she can paint everything from a panda, a giraffe, to a cheetah. She can paint from a model that customers offer or according to her inspiration. It is rare that theanimal painterpainted with a real animal in front of it.
Does the animal painter exhibit in galleries in Geneva?
THEArt Galeriesrepresent an ideal setting to promote communication between art and the public. The artist shares his vision and immerses the public in nature from drawings of artistic animals.
One can find the works of art of the animal painter through aArt Galleryor apainting gallery, as part of an eexhibition-saleOrtemporary exhibition in Geneva. But no matter where you are, you have the possibility of discovering his works via avirtual exhibitionpermanently accessible at any time on its website. This gives a clear insight into the style of the painter and her passion.

How does the animal painter in Geneva differ from other artists of animal art?
Animal art is theanimal art expression. It manifests itself in different forms, including a wide range of works by painters, photographers and animal sculptors.
THEanimal paintersspecialize in digital painting, oil painting, watercolor or pencil to capture the movement and emotion of the animals captured on their canvases. Through their artistic creation, they express their love and respect for animals by accurately reproducing the distinctive facial features and other recognizable visual attributes of each species.
THEwildlife photographerscapture vivid images from a wide range of wild, domestic and exotic animals. Like painters, they seek to promote a deeper interest in the protection of nature by revealing to viewers the scenes that cannot be represented by a brush.
THEanimal sculptorputs his art at the service of the natural world in order to produce works that show the diversity of shapes, sizes and behaviors of the animals that they have had the opportunity to observe and document. Based on this observation as well as established scientific theories, specialists inanimal sculpturepainstakingly model each sculpture from organic materials such as clay so that the representation is realistic and expressive.
The different types of animals a wildlife painter can work with
Animal painters createworks of artinspired by the animal world and the universebestiary, whether realistic portraits or artistic illustrations. Your animal painter in Geneva can work on a wide range of animals; from mammals such as felines, polar bears and gorillas to the beasts of thewildlifeand savannah like deer, bull, snakes, boars, lions, zebra.
In addition, the painter can also produce works dedicated tothreatened specieslike the elephant and the tiger to promote better environmental awareness. He also has the possibility of representing in his works,pets, livestock and barnyard animals. She is also one of thoseanimal artistsinterested in the canine and equestrian universe.
Whether in classical art or digital art, theanimal painter in Genevacan also make stunning works that represent hunting animals and farm animals such as ducks and cows, and those living in captivity, such as those found through zoos or an animal park._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_
Looking for a cat painting or a digital dog painting? If you want to support and encourage the art scene in Geneva, then come and see the wonderful works of art by the talented animal painter Emily Wulf.